Sunday, August 4, 2019


 Finally made it to St Louis ! The Arch is truly beautiful .Unfortunately they stopped lighting it up at night. They say it is because birds are flying into it  but I'm sure they just cant afford it.  There is a park surrounding it and you can ride to the top for about 20 dollars a person. The last  tall building we went up was the Twin Towers about a month before 9/11. We decided to pass as we had only one afternoon here and of course the obvious. 

 If you are traveling in a motor home stay at the Casino Queen RV  Park. This was our view of the arch from the park. It is completely automated with no park staff. Just a series of coded doors. Make sure you bring your own snickers bars as the candy machine did not work. Very disappointing. It is across from a casino so the casino security does patrol. Just a walk across the bridge to Downtown St Louis. 

   Actually a day in St Louis is ample. Not much left to this dying city except dilapidated brick buildings . Very sad to see population dwindling to 350,000 people .
   We ate at the Sugar fire Smokehouse Restaurant . This is the 3 meat special costing 19.99 and a side of deep fried artichoke hearts . Plenty of food for two. I have had better brisket but for a large place it was great. The best part was the 8 sauces representing all the various regional barbecue styles.  We had great fun tasting them all .I found the white sauce and the mustard sauce to be very pleasant. Its nice to try new things. 
Erik expanding his photography skills. 
Here's Erik fulfilling his life dream of touching the St Louis Arch. Unfortunately people have scratched their names all over the stainless steel  .

And of course we cant forget the Smashed Pennies. That is truly what life is all about .