Saturday, February 13, 2010


Well here goes. We were suppose to go to Mardi Gras this week. decided we weren't too thrilled about sleeping in the RV in the cold, driving in inclement weather or driving for 6 days out of 10,so we planned a 3 day Laughlin and 2 day Vegas trip. We use to take weekend trips in the past but not haven't done this in a while so there you go. Were going to try and relax a bit too around the gambling We shall see how that goes. Friday was good . Beautiful weather .Nice to get away. My poor husband has had a stressful month at work and needs to de-stress. Got a great room on the 14th floor. Actually the 13th floor but they don't use that number. It still does not change the fact It is the 13th floor but oh well. It has a wonderful view. Laughlin is kind of Las Vegas's white trash cousin. Lots of snow birds and desert rats. Its very different in the winter .No tanned beautiful people this time of year. Interesting people watching. I have decided that not only is this a good place for my crazy old lady training,I will be a good one , but I also need a red sequin baseball cap. I love red.
obligatory mirror picture .Erik loves these.
Got a good room. Beautiful view.
laughlin from a distance .Not too impressive actually.
Ferret place. This place is in Arizona I believe. sells Ferrets.I dont understand the Ferret fascination. Just big nervous rodents. Im sure they bite. I was bitten by family pet rodents many times growing up. As far as Im concerned they can stay in Arizona .
The first diet breaking meal. A Torta. A mexican dream of a sandwich. Love on a bun.
The Big Pink Gorilla by the road. Dont see these too often.
This ones for you Erin a fresh , within moments, accident. Nobody hurt.
Our vacation. The beginning.


  1. I had a really neat comment on your blog, but erased it before I got it sent to you. I have to run right now, but just want to say I like your blog, and next time I am in Yuma I will try to remember to pick you up a red sequined ball cap. Would your husband like a cap with fun fur hair coming out the top? Have fun be safe.gloriadee

  2. Looks like you guys are having tons of fun. The torta picture makes me very hungry and jealous.You guys look skinnier from the last time I saw you! I like how you said laughlin was vegas' "white trash cousin"
