Friday, April 16, 2010


Back from our escapade to Oklahoma. We went to Erik's Grandmother and his cousin Kristy"s funeral. It was wonderful to see everyone but sad at the same time. Erik's Aunt Janet did a wonderful job on arranging the service. Burying a loved one is very difficult and it always seems the one most emotionally involved is responsible for the service. Kudos to you Aunt Janet .

We decided to drive there as flying to Oklahoma is very expensive. Why i don't know . I guess it costs more to go to places where people don't want to be. Took the 40 allllll the way there. Surprisingly the drive was very enjoyable. We have taken the 10 to New Mexico and Texas many many times. Loooooong drive with nothing. Actually near the Arizona border is a dead Indian mummy but that's it. Oh and the Ostrich farm. I do recommend that as a stop. The 40 however is filled with Route 66 Kitsch. Sure there is lots of nothing between the towns but at each small burgh there are original Route 66 Main drags. We did not see all of them as we were on a deadline but there definitely plans to redo the 40. If there's anything us Dages love its our 50's Kitsch.
A great odometer moment!!!! Caught at 60,000. We bought her at 40,0000 about 4 years ago so as Erik says we are getting use out of her.

Eriks Bunny Buddy he read about in the travel book. I tried to get him up there but he said it was too fragile. He was very happy !!!!

This is for Erin. She loves taking pictures of water towers. This one is special!!!

More smashed pennies. There was a woman behind me who decided she too wanted to collect smashed pennies. Maybe i will start a penny cult. One convert at a time.................

The Big Texan in Texas. Eat a 72 oz steak with all the fixins and its free!!! ( 50 dollars if you throw it up!!!)

That's me!!!! No I had the brisket. Great brisket is only found in Texas and Oklahoma. I guess the rest of the world does not have 10 hours to cook meat.

Believe it or not I have never seen a bull head. Only in Texas.

Erik with the big Steer.

Cadillac Ranch.

More Indian souvenir shacks than you can shake a stick at. They sell china made turquoise, armadillo statues, knives and even roadkill clothing. We did not stop at that one but plan to in the future.

An abandoned restaurant . Tons of these types of buildings.

There are dinosaur wars in Arizona along the freeway. This was the best.

Erik being an Indian figure. Yes I married this man......

Teepees galore!!!!!! Arizona loves their souvenirs, dinosaurs and teepees.


  1. ahhh so jealous of you and dad's kitschy adventure! So many photo op's!

  2. Ah! Route 66. We have tried to travel all the route that's left, but still have a few places to go. We love those little towns along 66. We had lunch at one place, and I don't remember where or what the name was, I would have to get out the pics, but they had the best homemade burgers and fries. We went in and sat down at a table and a man came in sporting a very large gun in a holster, and sat down at the table next to us which had a woman sitting at it. They started a really interesting conversation about traveling with bands, and all the adventures they had. Now, from the looks of these people I wasn't sure that what they were talking about was fact or just some "vision" they had after a night of partying. Well we just smiled at them listened to their stories and responded when it seemed appropriate , and as soon as we finished our burgers and fries we left. As we pulled out of the parking lot they were still sitting there at that table talking. Well anyway we envy you your trip along Route 66. Glad you got home safe.

  3. That's quite an adventure you had! Like Erin said, lots of great photo ops!

  4. You would think that smashed penny machines would actually be illegal, considering that it's technically the destruction of currency. I'm glad they're not, though.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I went crazy trying to figure out if I actually knew you before I read it, because I'm from Riverside too. In fact most of my family still lives there.
