Tuesday, June 29, 2010


YES ITS TRUE!!! After 10 years of secretly selling items on Ebay I have officially come out of the closet. Well actually the garage. In all actuality I'm staying here in my "Woman Cave",my "Queendom", my sanctuary. I have decided to let people know who I am. When I first started Ebay the company wanted me to share myself with the customers. At that time I was not comfortable doing so. It worked too. I sold so many different items to so many different people I could be whoever they wanted me to be. It helped .I could be a fellow collector of gas paper or someone selling Grandmas fortunes. I will be totally honest in that I never actually "lied" to people. "They" made me who "they " wanted me to be. Who knows maybe I will retreat into my "secret" identity someday but for now I'm going to try and be "Me".

With the economy being slow last year I retreated into the world of Costume Jewelry. Keeping prices low I have done quite well and enjoy being around "My Jewels" . I feel more of a connection with those who buy from me. I'm not so sure we are "alike" as we have a deep appreciation for jewelry , buttons and Kitsch. I'm also fascinated with the powerful force of the Internet. I love "Guerrilla marketing". I always have. The advent of Face book , Twitter and of course blogging bring a whole new face to marketing. It is an exciting new frontier. I want to adopt the new frontier. Of curse I have no "HUGE" expectations of this. I'm sure my face book will grow very slowly and I will probably have no new blog followers but I'm not really one of those people who do things halfway.
No I'm not going to do a biography here. I have had this blog since January 1st. If you want to know more read them. Its not hard to get a glimpse of who I am and getting to know someone over a period of time with small bits of interaction is much more interesting. So here I am out of the closet. Like my husband said I'm reinventing "Dageland Curios" ,reinventing myself. I have also started an Etsy store. We shall see what happens. Hopefully I can link all the parts together. Etsy, Ebay, face book , blogging and well....me.

My first Etsy sale. It is so exciting. Unfortunately it was one of my favorite buttons. I hope she enjoys it as much as I have!!!


Ebay Dageland_curios

Etsy DagelandCurios

Facebook Dageland Curios

Ebay Rock_o_bilia

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We finally had our yearly yard sale!!! Quite the haul too. 956.27 to be exact. Where the 2 cents came from I don't know. I basically had "Dollar Days" and sold most everything for a dollar. Quite fun to watch peoples eyes when you say everything is a dollar. A true study in human behaviour . I had items out there that are commonly in antique stores for much , much more. Yes that is Newt Gingrich up there. I put him on the road to draw people in. Interesting that this year almost nobody acknowledged his presence. I guess he has not been in the news lately.

This is Derry a neighborhood kid. It was nice to reconnect with the kids. Now that Erin is at college I don't see them at all. I have 14 new baby chicks. The kids chased chickens for hours. Finally they caught a baby. Trust me baby chickens are like rats. I have to give Erin credit for this picture. Shes getting very good.

A great woman who enjoys life to its full extent. Quite the character . She truly entertained us. She was on her way to the casino with $17 and a 100 dollar free play coupon to make her fortune. She spent $5 on various kitschy items even though her family has banned her from yard sales. Maybe we shall see her on a Hoarders episode. I gave her one of my smashed pennies for good luck. Yes I did. She got the one with the Lords Prayer as she seemed mildly religious. It felt good to share my hobby with her. I'm not sure why but I knew she would appreciate the penny.

More neighborhood kids. They bought Erins Beanie Baby collection 50 cents at a time all weekend long . Every 20 minutes. A neighborhood boy told me they were building a "Special Force" of Beanie Babies. Oh to be a kid again.

Yes John and Hillary stopped by to help us sell records. They are a "Rocking duo" don't you know.

We "really" cleaned out closets this time. While cleaning up Erin spotted this skirt and stated "I don't know why but I'm drawn to this skirt" Quite a creepy moment as that was part of my "Ms Bohack" maternity clothing I wore to work. And I wore this one alot as it had plenty of belly room. Why I kept a 20 year old skirt who knows. She wore it to the movies on Fathers Day. Looked good on her too. Still kind of freaky though.

I'm proud of her. Lately I have been lazy after my yard sales and throw things away. The complacency of aging I guess. She made me pack up the clothes and records to donate to Salvation Army. I guess that expensive education is paying off. The first year of college is a great one. Shes really beginning to view the world as a whole. Forming her own opinions regardless of others. Yes I'm sure she will change them many times over the years but she is learning to think critically. Kudos to her!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


For years , 10 to be exact, I have purchased items at auction to sell on Ebay. It has been an interesting and educating experience. Along the way we have acquired many items for the house. Not too many though as my house is a grand total of 1200 square foot. Being the woman of the house I have always been the purchaser. Yes I call myself a liberated woman but come on some things will always be in a woman's realm. Yes you can call me a hypocrite. I can take it.

Approximately 2 weeks ago my husband accompanied me to the Redland Auction house. This is the place where I acquired the "Tiara". My jewelry connection. I have auctioned with owner of this establishment for years. Both as a customer of his establishment and a competitor at other auctions. The auction process is similar to a game of poker. Knowing your competitor and or customer is tantamount to your success. Ron the auctioneer is among the best in the business and knows both of us like the back of his hand. That saying when my husband raised his hand to bid on "the couch" it threw him. He had the most incredulous look on his face ever! I have never seen this man thrown.



Trust me I was also shocked. As was my auction friend who always has the seat to my left. It is a beautiful couch , from the 1900s to be exact, and purchased for only $150 but ...MY HUSBAND BOUGHT A COUCH!!! His explanation was that he found it beautiful. How can you fight that. I find it beautiful too. Albeit a bit uncomfortable but the stray cay Kitty Kitty aka "Christine" loves her new cat bed. Were such suckers. New Years Eve I caught her digging through my trash. Now she has taken over my home and has a Victorian cat bed.

My story doesn't stop here. No it doesn't.Last weekend my husband again accompanied me to the Los Angeles Public Guardian auction. We are in the market for a truck and there was one to be had. No truck but once again he did the unthinkable. HE BOUGHT ART!!!! YES ART FOR THE WALL!!!!. Not just any art , he bought a Renoir. Yes a huge ass cigarette stained 10 dollar Renoir. Once again he found it beautiful . Needless to say I will now gladly go to auction alone.....