Tuesday, June 29, 2010


YES ITS TRUE!!! After 10 years of secretly selling items on Ebay I have officially come out of the closet. Well actually the garage. In all actuality I'm staying here in my "Woman Cave",my "Queendom", my sanctuary. I have decided to let people know who I am. When I first started Ebay the company wanted me to share myself with the customers. At that time I was not comfortable doing so. It worked too. I sold so many different items to so many different people I could be whoever they wanted me to be. It helped .I could be a fellow collector of gas paper or someone selling Grandmas fortunes. I will be totally honest in that I never actually "lied" to people. "They" made me who "they " wanted me to be. Who knows maybe I will retreat into my "secret" identity someday but for now I'm going to try and be "Me".

With the economy being slow last year I retreated into the world of Costume Jewelry. Keeping prices low I have done quite well and enjoy being around "My Jewels" . I feel more of a connection with those who buy from me. I'm not so sure we are "alike" as we have a deep appreciation for jewelry , buttons and Kitsch. I'm also fascinated with the powerful force of the Internet. I love "Guerrilla marketing". I always have. The advent of Face book , Twitter and of course blogging bring a whole new face to marketing. It is an exciting new frontier. I want to adopt the new frontier. Of curse I have no "HUGE" expectations of this. I'm sure my face book will grow very slowly and I will probably have no new blog followers but I'm not really one of those people who do things halfway.
No I'm not going to do a biography here. I have had this blog since January 1st. If you want to know more read them. Its not hard to get a glimpse of who I am and getting to know someone over a period of time with small bits of interaction is much more interesting. So here I am out of the closet. Like my husband said I'm reinventing "Dageland Curios" ,reinventing myself. I have also started an Etsy store. We shall see what happens. Hopefully I can link all the parts together. Etsy, Ebay, face book , blogging and well....me.

My first Etsy sale. It is so exciting. Unfortunately it was one of my favorite buttons. I hope she enjoys it as much as I have!!!


Ebay Dageland_curios

Etsy DagelandCurios

Facebook Dageland Curios

Ebay Rock_o_bilia


  1. Wonderful blog Lisa. Keep on going. You will do great. I have played around with internet marketing for several years. Until the economy took a nosedive I had a website called grandmotherhandleyscloset.com I sold perfumes, and specialized in vintage fragrances that had been around for a while. Some of our most popular perfumes have been around since the late 1800"s. It was just starting take off and then all h--- broke loose and no one was buying perfume any more so I had to shut down the website, it was becoming too expensive to keep up with it all. So I am in the stage of reinventing how Grandmother Handleys Closet will look from now on out. Well anyway I like your Etsy site, I went on it yesterday and it looks great. Keep on Keeping on. Love gloriadee

  2. Hi!

    First of all, your blog is fabulous! I was reading it on my phone in bed last night...when I saw the Bates Campground post...

    My husband and I looked at that big dog photo for a long time...is that seriously a dog?? How big was that thing? We are just so puzzled by it and the fact that nobody else commented on it...
