Sunday, June 20, 2010


For years , 10 to be exact, I have purchased items at auction to sell on Ebay. It has been an interesting and educating experience. Along the way we have acquired many items for the house. Not too many though as my house is a grand total of 1200 square foot. Being the woman of the house I have always been the purchaser. Yes I call myself a liberated woman but come on some things will always be in a woman's realm. Yes you can call me a hypocrite. I can take it.

Approximately 2 weeks ago my husband accompanied me to the Redland Auction house. This is the place where I acquired the "Tiara". My jewelry connection. I have auctioned with owner of this establishment for years. Both as a customer of his establishment and a competitor at other auctions. The auction process is similar to a game of poker. Knowing your competitor and or customer is tantamount to your success. Ron the auctioneer is among the best in the business and knows both of us like the back of his hand. That saying when my husband raised his hand to bid on "the couch" it threw him. He had the most incredulous look on his face ever! I have never seen this man thrown.



Trust me I was also shocked. As was my auction friend who always has the seat to my left. It is a beautiful couch , from the 1900s to be exact, and purchased for only $150 but ...MY HUSBAND BOUGHT A COUCH!!! His explanation was that he found it beautiful. How can you fight that. I find it beautiful too. Albeit a bit uncomfortable but the stray cay Kitty Kitty aka "Christine" loves her new cat bed. Were such suckers. New Years Eve I caught her digging through my trash. Now she has taken over my home and has a Victorian cat bed.

My story doesn't stop here. No it doesn't.Last weekend my husband again accompanied me to the Los Angeles Public Guardian auction. We are in the market for a truck and there was one to be had. No truck but once again he did the unthinkable. HE BOUGHT ART!!!! YES ART FOR THE WALL!!!!. Not just any art , he bought a Renoir. Yes a huge ass cigarette stained 10 dollar Renoir. Once again he found it beautiful . Needless to say I will now gladly go to auction alone.....


  1. A correction the couch is actually empire era circa 1850 and will end up costing me untold dollars as it has started the redecoration of the living room.

  2. Well they're both beautiful! Dad will make a victorian-themed den yet!

  3. Well dear Erik, I don't know you but I fear you have entered into a world that you cannot get out of too easily, at least without copious paint, and yards and yards of fabric for curtains and perhaps a rug or two? Heck maybe even wall to wall carpeting, or refinishing the hardwoods. Never having seen your house, I don't know for sure, but I do know one thing. You have a lot of work ahead of you. NOW. Does the couch and painting seem like such a bargain now? Seriously. Have fun with your "new" couch and artwork. Lisa's cousin. Gloria Dee.

  4. Yes Gloria refinishing hardwood floors and painting is definately in the works!!!!

  5. They are truly both beautiful pieces! I have been threatening to do a victorian themed room for years. I was working on my bedroom, little by little. By the time I got about half way finished, it was time for a change. But I think you would do much better than a fickle 15 year old with no money!
