Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Something wonderful happened yesterday!!! Yes I added a new Lucky Penny to the smashed penny collection. Granted it is not smashed but it is LUCKY and we could all use some of that. I do believe this is the oldest penny in my collection. It is an Indian Head 1901 penny from The Pan American Expo in Buffalo NY 1901. Last week I bought a lot of Military Patches and medals at auction and this was inside. Wonderful find. I know have 2 aluminum lucky pennies in the collection.
In other news we have started a blog for our record store Rock_o_bilia. I'm learning to link and Erin is helping me set up graphics etc. We started it not only for the store but my daughter Erin is a Journalism major at San Fransisco State University and most internships require blogging background. She has had a personal blog but we set this up to make it professional and of course less personal. please join us for the fun and frivolity's!!!!


  1. Wow, that is a very lucky find! Should be valuable. And thanks for the link to your new blog. It's cool.

  2. Great find!! I think the record store blog is a great idea! I enjoyed your vacation photos but read that post while I was out and about via my phone and couldn't comment :)

  3. That's so awesome! I'm jealous that I'm not there to look through all the stuff.
