Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Finally getting around to my 4Th of July post. As my husband works for Frito Lay he never gets to do the 4Th. This holiday happens to be the equivalent to Christmas in the chip business. I don't mind really he gets a double check sometimes triple. Money is good. Well as fate would have it the 4Th fell on his Sunday off.
He decided it was time. Time to finally go to a Baseball game. What could be more American than baseball on the 4Th of July ? With promises of Beer and all the carbohydrate ridden food I could eat. I readily accepted. We went on the website called stubhub.com and bought $60 tickets for the low low price of $20.Who would of figured my beer would have cost more than admission?

Growing up 5 minutes away from the Angel Stadium I never once went there for fireworks. I have watched the fireworks from there and Disneyland countless times on my parents roof. I will admit I was kind of excited at 50 years old to finally witness it in person. I do remember going to games there when I was a kid. Back in the day the California Angels stunk. There would be about 400 people watching the game. Seating was a free for all. Now its amazing. Their fan base is extremely strong.
They were playing Kansas City. Quite interesting as it is my Moms team .We beat them. Slayed them actually. Sorry Gloria Dee and all my other Kansas cousins. Of course as I am not a killer fan of Baseball, I did my fair share of people watching.It was fascinating actually.

These kids were about 13 to 15 years old.They were right in front of me. The boy was giving her hangdog looks and kept kissing on her. She seemed very indifferent. She did light up however when his brother on his other side talked to her. I wanted to slap them all for various reasons. This includes his mother who let this all happen without blinking an eye. Jerry Springer here we come!!!

I guess this is the Green Guy? He was beyond an attention whore. Whenever they would scan the crowds he would jump up and dance like a fool. Interesting at first but it did become annoying.

After the game I spied this fan. I have many things to say about this shirt but in the end my question is, Who wears a shirt like this? Creepy creepy old man.

No firework pictures. We decided to just sit back and enjoy them. All in all it was a great adventure .


  1. Sounds like you had a great 4th. Don't worry we don't feel too bad about the Royals loosing. They have done it so often that we just accept it. Keep on blogging. Love em.

  2. Creepy- indeed!!

    Sounds like a great time - beside the green guy
