Thursday, February 18, 2010


Last day in Vegas .I had a great time but Im ready to go home. Gambling is getting boring. We did well though pretty much even. The old strip is my favorite I love the vintage Casinos. They have also taken the old 50s signs out of mothballs and lined them up at the bottom of the strip. Very cool .Went the back way to the strip. Lots more homeless people. Its terrible what drugs and a bad economy can do. Set up a whole house in some bushes. Very different.
This is the guys bedroom.

Here is his living room.

His closet.

His stripper sign . As you can see they are nude daily. So am I but not quite that way.

Hey I just saw one of these in New York.

Mandalay Bay is beautiful in the morning sun.

Last of the obligatory mirror photos. My husband is such a goofball. We did well... I only wanted to kill him once.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


On our way to Vegas. !!! Still wonderful weather. We are staying Outside in Henderson. We rarely stay on the Vegas strip . Too many people and the gambling is way too expensive. We love to gamble with the locals and degenerates of the world. More entertaining and decidedly cheaper. Gambling is truly for fools but very fun. This trip we are staying at Sams Town in a suite. Since I got free nights at laughlin we treated ourselves. Still on the cheaper side as $120 but a very nice envoirnment. We are not leaving. We are staying in our new home. I will be sending everyone my new address. Still having fun and we ate at a buffet. I has one spoon of everything.

My new desk.

My new couch.

My new living room .

My new jacuzzi tub.

Oops my new jacuzzi tub again.

My new shower.

My new bathroom.

My new TV.

My new bed.

Some chinese man who we say come out of the desert with an umbrells. Very odd indeed.

You dont see this every day. Two good old boys smoking pot in the back of a truck. Very illegal in many different ways. Gotta love Vegas.

This ones for you melissa Laughlin Badgers.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Sunday was an excellent day. As you can see from the photo above a miraculous thing happened. I FOUND A SMASHED PENNY MACHINE !!!!!! Best valentines Day EVER!!!! It was one of the new ones with 4 designs. My collection is growing!!! We also went to the movies and saw Legion. Another apocalyptic movie. It was ok . Got a little corny at parts. More violence of course. Erin you should be proud of me for entertaining your father. Erin is his violent apocalyptic tale movie partner. I guess now I have to step into her shoes.

Another miraculous thing happened ....I found my red sequined baseball cap. This of course was not the cheap glued on red sequined cap, it was the professionally sewn by Chinese women red sequin cap. Of course I had to gamble with my cap on. I was not a billion dollar winner but I did make enough money to pay for the cap. I really should be a red hat woman when I'm old enough but I'm not sure they could handle me. I'm not much for women based societies but I can quilt up a storm.

Still having a blast and still running even. Definitely getting lots of crazy old lady training.

Our hotel at night.
The Tropicana turns green at night. This is where I procured my latest smashed pennies!!!!

Gambling with my red cap.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Saturday went well. Went to bed really early Friday. Both of us beat up from the previous weeks work. I had to pack 75 records Thursday and Friday. A "Record"..... get it? Brought the computer as we are trying to keep the store open while were gone to see how it would work .We determined our room was in a Vortex that hates computers. Got it worked out but its sooooo slow. I'm blogging and brought books so we don't just gamble all day long. Haven't had a problem though. I did win $76 on a penny machine with 40 cents. WooHooo!!!! Erik has been the winner . Were pretty much even .That's all I can hope for. The best thing was at dinner tonight he looked at me and said "I'm relaxed". Went to the movies too. Saw the book of Eli. Has some gory violence but the basic premise of the story is fantastic. Had some of the most moving scenes in a movie yet. The girl that played Jackie from that 70s show was in it. I had my doubts but she did great. Its an after apocalyptic tale about a man with the last bible. Strong stuff, interesting story but lots of violence. All in all today went great . My crazy old lady training is going well. This is me wading my way through the vortex this morning. The fuzzy-ness aptly describes how I felt.

night view
sharing my beer with a cow. Its amazing how much I look like my mother here.
Saturdays accident for Erin. Looks like its a bad weekend for white cars.

Erin do you get it?


Well here goes. We were suppose to go to Mardi Gras this week. decided we weren't too thrilled about sleeping in the RV in the cold, driving in inclement weather or driving for 6 days out of 10,so we planned a 3 day Laughlin and 2 day Vegas trip. We use to take weekend trips in the past but not haven't done this in a while so there you go. Were going to try and relax a bit too around the gambling We shall see how that goes. Friday was good . Beautiful weather .Nice to get away. My poor husband has had a stressful month at work and needs to de-stress. Got a great room on the 14th floor. Actually the 13th floor but they don't use that number. It still does not change the fact It is the 13th floor but oh well. It has a wonderful view. Laughlin is kind of Las Vegas's white trash cousin. Lots of snow birds and desert rats. Its very different in the winter .No tanned beautiful people this time of year. Interesting people watching. I have decided that not only is this a good place for my crazy old lady training,I will be a good one , but I also need a red sequin baseball cap. I love red.
obligatory mirror picture .Erik loves these.
Got a good room. Beautiful view.
laughlin from a distance .Not too impressive actually.
Ferret place. This place is in Arizona I believe. sells Ferrets.I dont understand the Ferret fascination. Just big nervous rodents. Im sure they bite. I was bitten by family pet rodents many times growing up. As far as Im concerned they can stay in Arizona .
The first diet breaking meal. A Torta. A mexican dream of a sandwich. Love on a bun.
The Big Pink Gorilla by the road. Dont see these too often.
This ones for you Erin a fresh , within moments, accident. Nobody hurt.
Our vacation. The beginning.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well I decided to write today. Hopefully I will be motivated to do some more writing this week. With Erins help last month the record store exploded. It was all I could do to just keep up on the shipping. I'm not sure how this has happened but writing has become a guilty pleasure. I love slipping away into my land of memories and words. The problem is my workaholic side disdains spending time on frivolous folly.

I watch my channel 5 friends in the morning . Yes they are my friends. They are every ones friends .They have perfected the art of casual news. I have spent my morning with Mark and Sam for over 10 years now. They are a weatherman and entertainment reporter plus the veterans of the program. People come and go but Mark and Sam are always there. Together they have respectively been married 5 times during this period. I guess being on the morning news is not good for a marriage.

As with every casual morning news show they have there humorous news story. Last weeks was a chicken living on a Los Angeles college campus sign. Somehow this crafty chicken found her way to a secret Valhalla. A place where she had all the grass and bugs to herself. No more battling the pecking order for her food. Nope this was her secret place.

Unfortunately it was on a busy Los Angeles street corner. Los Angeles is a big city place with big city folks. Most only see live chickens at county fairs in cages. Soon after she found her secret Valhalla, college students found her. They started to feed her. Her secret Valhalla just got better. That sealed the deal . She was going nowhere.

Soon she was darting in and out of traffic. Not safe for the chicken or the drivers. Yup, chickens just don't belong in the city. It did make for a wonderful news story. They all marveled how this little black chicken could evade capture.
I have had chickens for years.They roam free on my palatial 1/2 acre estate. One look at this little black chicken and I knew.They could not catch her because she was a "KENNETH".

I'm not sure the year "KENNETH" was born. I believe she is at least 5 years old. She definitely is first generation "mutt" chicken. A cross between something and something.

The previous year I had purchased purebred chicks. At least 5 different kinds. They had the run of the property. I loved watching them .It was also a great experience for my preteen daughter. She learned about pecking order and socialization through the chickens. I would like to believe it helped her understand junior high life. Although as most of you know nothing truly prepares you for Junior High.

One beautiful balmy spring morning I walked out to find 10 baby chickens trailing a hen. Trust me there is nothing better than a baby chicken. Ten baby chickens only multiply that feeling by ten. I was beyond excited. Having a small amount of chickens for years I had never had this. It was truly a miracle. It was with that first brood of homegrown chickens I learned the lessons of nature.

As the days progressed I watched them grow. You could not go anywhere near them or their mother. Hell hath no fury like a mother chicken.As the days wore on their numbers started to dwindle. Every other day one would be missing. Only the strong would survive. This was nature in its true form. The slower weaker chicks being dinner for the snakes and possums. Having chickens was truly becoming bittersweet. Still three young black chicks survived to "chicken puberty" , the time when a gawky young chick breaks from their mother.

"KENNETH" was one of these three. Not a very pretty chicken ."Mutt" chickens never are. She was one of my little miracles ,surviving the baby chicken Apocalypse to "chicken Puberty". For days I would watch them grow and thrive. Then the unthinkable happened.

As I am an Internet business my connection to the Internet is of utmost importance. Back in the day I used dialup connection. I had two telephone lines one personal the other private. One fateful spring day my Internet line went out. For a workaholic like me this was beyond stressful. immediately I called the local phone company to complain. How dare their phone line not work. Didn't they know my business depended on them? Yes I can go off like no other. Hell hath no fury like a workaholic with no work.

Finally I was connected to a "problem solver". Thinking back I feel sorry for the man. I am not nice when I am stressed. He told me to go check my phone box located on the side of my house. On the way back a small black body floating in the blue plastic goose pool caught my eye. My heart sank. It was one of the 3 surviving to chicken puberty. Carefully I plucked the small lifeless body out of the pool. It was still mushy and soft. Not the hard deadness that most truly dead chickens have. Did it move? I swore I felt it move.

I rushed back to the office. Oh my god I had the "problem solver" on the line. Do you know how long it takes to get to the "problem solver" from the phone company? I found a rag nearby and wrapped up the lifeless chicken body.Now I was shook. I told the "problem solver " what he needed to know and immediately started to babble. I went on and on about baby chickens drowning in plastic goose pools. I'm sure this was a first for him.

He told me to hold on while he tested the line again. During this time I did the unthinkable. Yes I did. I gave the baby chicken mouth to mouth resuscitation. Alternating of course with rubbing its cold little body and pressing on where I believed her little heart was.She moved! Yes she moved! The baby chicken was alive!!! I had saved the baby chicken! Soon she began to shiver and wheeze.

The "problem solver" came back on the line. I babbled on more about saving baby chickens. He became excited too. Soon we were bonding over a drowned baby chicken. No there was no way he could fix my line but he would send a lineman out. His name was "KENNETH". I told him I would name this chicken "KENNETH" in honor of him listening to me babble. He felt honored. I'm sure he had the best work story at the water cooler that day.

"KENNETH" thrived. Soon she became a proud mother chicken.Again and Again and Again. Every 3 months she would become the proud mother of approx 10 baby chickens. Like always approx 3 would survive. Over the course of 3 years my brood grew fron 12 to 37 chickens. Young roosters ran in gangs raping and pillaging the slower older hens. Chickens were everywhere. Pandemonium began. I worried about the animal control coming to help me control my chicken hoarding tendencies.After this experience I understand old lady cat hoarders. It doesn't take much for this type of situation to get out of hand. I was becoming a Chicken hoarder.

Being an avid Sci Fi buff my husband attributed my problem to "the Butterfly Effect". I had changed the course of history. Nature intended for "KENNETH" to die. Keeping "KENNETH" alive created a rainstorm of chickens. He probably was right but I would do it all again.

Soon the great chicken roundup began. It became a neighborhood event. Groups of children and sometimes adults would chase down chickens putting them in small cages .I would take them to the local feedstore and exchange them for sacks of chicken food. Soon I was down to my older favorites and of course "KENNETH" .

My husband was adamant about catching "KENNETH" as she was the cause of the chicken pandemonium. Didn't happen though ."KENNETH" was uncatchable.

"KENNETH" is still with us. I am secretly glad. Hopefully with less horny roosters around she will not procreate like that again. We will see what happens this spring.

When I saw the chicken on the news I knew it would be alright . She was a "KENNETH" .Looked just like her. The mutts of the animal always fare better. News update as of today has her finally being captured by the Arnold family. They named her "Lucky". Lord help them as I know Lucky is truly a "KENNETH".