Monday, March 1, 2010


Well I'm back . I shouldn't take such long breaks so I'm going to try and blog at least every other day. I will only post on facebook when I have a good story though. If anyone is interested they can catch up when I link my blog. I feel guilty and my daughter and niece are literally kicking my ass on the blogging front. Erin your record review on Sounds of Silence was very entertaining . Keep that up. Music is one of your strong points.

Heard great news tonight. Jerry Brown will again be running for Governor of California. Granted it is different now than it was back then but he did a good job. And the biggest selling point EVER is that he dated Linda Ronstadt. Yup you heard right.....he dated Linda Ronstadt ! For quite a while too. I love Linda Ronstadt and if he was good enough for her to date hes good enough for me. Besides hes a democrat and I wont have to cross party lines. I still believe I am changing to the Independent Party as I am frustrated about our 2 party system and its lack of effectiveness.

It does seem ridiculous that I could vote for a Governor because he dated Linda Ronstadt . Isn't that how Arnold became our Governor? No it was not because he was married to that law breaking cell phone talking while driving Maria Shriver. It was because he was the Terminator. Why did people think he would be a good Governor? Because he can crush someones skull with one fatal blow? What skills did he have to run our flailing state ? Well its been interesting but time for a change.

When i heard Meg Whitman , former CEO of Ebay, was running I will admit to being very interested. I am still . Maybe. I love Ebay its how I make my living. It is a perfect example of a small state in itself. Besides I truly believe California needs some good fiscal change. A business person would be good for us. Not that any Governor can truly institute change . Our 2 party system with their rigid party lines and corporate backers preclude any change. This old lady's starting to sound like an anarchist.

To be honest with you Meg is starting to get on my nerves. As many of you know I watch my channel 5 friends in the morning. Allllllll morning long . Meg has purchased many commercial blocks during that time. In this commercial she markets herself using "old timey sayings" and of course extols the virtue of having an ex CEO as Governor. This freeking commercial is at least 2 minutes long. It insults my intelligence. Reminds me of how they sell products on commercials. I don't want to buy my Governor like a product thank you.

Just recently shes done the dirty. My MOST hated political tactic of smearing your opponent. Yup she is not only smearing an opponent but smearing a fellow republican by linking him with Nancy Pelosi. I HATE THIS TACTIC!!!!! What if I like Nancy Pelosi? Doesn't she realise I am a democrat interested in what she might bring to the plate!!!JUST STUPID!!! I believe we are adults and can and should be able to sell our political qualifications without smearing opponents.

Like I said the opponent she is smearing is a republican I believe his name is Poisner or something like that. I'm not even going to research it now to make me look smarter. Not worth my time. This guy is also an Internet something. The funniest part is that I just heard his first commercial. He is cutting taxes . Yup you heard it. My autistic brothers funds are being cut and my daughters state run school tuition went up 35% last year with a possible 20% increase next year. One half of the state employees have been laid off. Sure I'm voting for him . Oh yeah now their saying he wants to raise my property taxes. Sure I'm voting for him.

Anyways back to more important things .I will hopefully be voting for Jerry Brown because he dated Linda Ronstadt.......Please Jerry run your campaign right. I want an adult in office.
Posted by LisaD at 6:18 PM


  1. Go Jerry Brown. He knows good bangs when he sees them. I'm sure that grandpa would like Meg Whitman just for the fact that she's hating on Nancy Pelosi! They could make a Nancy Pelosi "hate club" together!
    love you - Erin

  2. What I find interesting is this: I understand that people are star struck and blinded when a familiar movie actor runs for governor, so I understand him being elected once. But what I don't understand is that it seems to me he's been running that place for the past 10 years. It's not like he was a good governor, why the HELL would people re-elect him? Over and over again?! Something's fishy. And I'm not talkin about Maria.

  3. I dont know if u guys will read this again but your grandmother read this and told me she liked Jerry Brown because he slept on a mattress on the floor? This must be where I get this from!!! You guys dont have a bats chance in hell....we are all crazy old lady DOOOMED!!!
