Thursday, November 1, 2012


    I sell and ship all over the world. Belarus, Israel , Brazil you name it. For the last 5 years we have talked about getting a world map and putting a pin in each location. This one however takes the cake. This label I printed out is from our record store Rock_O_Bilia. Yup its from "LOONEYVILLE". The fact that there is in fact a Looneyville is amazing but what amazed me most is that I can send something to Looneyville and it will be delivered. NO address.  What kind of place is this ? I know there are still small towns out there but really?
    Like always I started to daydream about Looneyville. How great to live in a town where you don't need an address. What does downtown Looneyville look like? Do they drive around in clown cars? I don't know why but Disneys Toontown keeps coming to mind. Then again do I really want to live in a town where everyone knows where I live. I'm sure they don't have a Starbucks or Sprouts Grocery ? No Target or Plant Nursery!!! No thank you. I do have my limits.
  I do know that I have now become aware of the state of West Virginia. The local weather man mentioned that it snowed there . I immediately thought of those poor souls in Looneyville. I even worried of the effects of hurricane Sandy on my poor little Toontown. Live in Looneyville ? Eh  , maybe.

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