Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I want to live in a Yurt. Sounds strange I know but for many years now I have wanted to live in a Yurt. My Yurt will be somewhere green with water nearby. Snow doesn't appeal to me as I grew up in California. I now have lizard blood and cannot function when it is under 60 degrees. Small bouts of snow might be nice however. I have never lived with snow but the few times I have experienced snowing I have enjoyed it.
My husband does not want to live in a Yurt. I cant really blame him . Living in a tent has little appeal when all the experience you have had is sleeping on the hard ground in a sleeping bag. But I don't want to live in a tent . I want to live in a Yurt. A beautiful Yurt with all of the conveniences of home. I want to step outside to crisp clear green-ness with cup of hot steaming coffee in hand. Breathe in the fresh dewy morn and watch the birds frolic in the water.
This happens to me every time I open the Yurt email. I always open the Yurt email. As I have an Internet business I am deluged with hundreds of emails. Most are never opened.Pages and pages of emails erased daily.Doomed to premature destruction ,never to see the light of day. Not my Yurt emails. That word just always seem to pop off the page. Its a cool word and part of me wonders if I don't really want to live in a Yurt but just like the word.Nah I want to live in a Yurt.
The Yurt folk have a wonderful email .Regularly they send me Yurt sale notifications with tons of Yurt photos depicting happy little Yurts living in Wonderful beautiful places. I got my Yurt Email today. Spent at least five minutes scanning the Yurts and dreaming of my wonderful life living in each one. The most interesting being the Yurt tree house. Yes they made a Yurt tree house. Actually they built a platform between trees and placed a Yurt on top. Ingenious!!!
Hmmmmm I wonder if they deliver to the Greek islands ?

1 comment:

  1. I've known of your constant "want" for a yurt for many years. So glad you put it into words! But wouldn't it be awesome if you had a tree house yurt, on the greek islands? I'd visit you a lot that's for sure. haha. Anyways, very cute ending, mom. Love you!
