Friday, January 22, 2010


I wanted to blog about this photo at length but it creates so many thoughts I can even begin to organize them to adequately describe my feelings. So basically I have decided to pay tribute to women who step out of their molds . Whenever I see a person who steps out of their mold to stand for a cause or just for personal reasons I will post a small blog.
The woman on the right is Cindy McCain . I believe the other woman is her daughter. Yes she is the wife of Republican candidate John McCain. I watch a lot of news . Probably too much news. During the elections I formed a dislike for this woman. To me she was a scary plastic Barbie woman. I instantly judged her on her robot wife like appearance . I was mildly shocked at how much I did like McCain .He too would have made a good president. Unfortunately they chose to drag some poor woman from her good life in Alaska and exploit her. They still are exploiting her. The Republican party is imploding. Trust me . The whole party system is exploding. The younger generation sees the rigid party lines and are creating parties of their own. Relying on old party lines does not work with our ever changing world. Sometimes change is good .It certainly nice to see our younger generation interested in the future.
Anyways back to Cindy McCain. The above photo is an ad campaign for Gay civil rights. Ms Plastic Barbie Republican wife stepped out on her own to support gay marriage. I thought "WOW" that takes great juevos to do this. Or true to fashion she is plastic Barbie wife and did it for attention. I went to Wikipedia . My best friend. I love quick simple information. Trust me I was blown away. She is quite the Woman, overcoming drug addiction and accomplishing so many wonderful things. Honestly I am in awe of this plastic Barbie woman. Keep up the good fight Cindy McCain.

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