Friday, January 1, 2010

Jan 1

Well here it is 2010. For this year I plan to keep doing what I love while keeping a positive attitude. I will keep trying to give support to my daughter so that she can do what she loves while keeping a positive attitude. Not so easy for a mother with control issues. Now she needs to live her life for herself more than ever. The opportunity she has been given is a wondrous one and I am very excited for her. As for me I need to start blogging. Not just for whatever reason people blog but also for practice. I have a book I want to write and I need to practice writing. Back in the day we used pencils and pens. Ive never had typing skills and still don't. I'm finding it difficult to type my thoughts. So here's my blog . I'm going to post this on facebook. Why I don't know but I guess that's all a part of blogging. Someone should read it I guess or it would not be a blog. So right now I will give my disclaimer. I apologise to anyone I might offend. I have a variety of family members I will be exposing this to with a variety of political, personal and religious beliefs. Some I know like the back of my hand but others have spoken maybe 10 words to. I respect each and every person I know even if I don't agree with them. For those who do not really know me I am a very pragmatic,(look that up if you don't know the word it is the most important part of who I am) ,somewhat sarcastic, positive to a fault, loyal , honest and somewhat obsessive compulsive person. Yes I said obsessive compulsive. I have terrible workaholic tendencies that do get in the way of my personal relations. However on the positive side my business does not suffer. I am able to finance my daughters education and travel to wondrous places. Good with the bad I guess. Don't worry this should be the only self serving love fest blog I write and most will be just writing practice. So Melissa ,because i know you will probably be my most loyal follower and probably only one, I expand your responsibilities of plucking my beard in the old folks home to keeping me blogging. You must shame me into writing every day. To everyone have a wondrous Happy New Year. Don't take life too serious and love with all of your heart.
PS "WONDROUS" seems to be my word of the day. Where that one came from who knows.


  1. Hi I am following your blog. I started one, actually several and my ADD seemed to kick in or something, because I did it for a while and then I stopped. I think at that point life go in the way. Don't know for sure, but Oh well maybe this will get me interested again. Keep on Blogging gal. Bye for now. Gloria Dee

  2. That's absolutely wonderful mom. I never knew you had such a flair for writing. Your style of writing is very unabashed. I hope you keep up on it as well!

  3. Well here I am again. I am one of your followers. I need to get back into the blogging thing. I did it when I was taking a course on internet marketing, and blogging was one of the things that they said you needed to do to get your name or company name out there. I even wrote several articles and posted them but life got in the way I guess because I stopped doing it. It does take dedication and I think it takes a routine. I think I needed to set aside a certain time each day to do it. I needed to set an alarm so that I didn't forget. Maybe this new year will bring more of the blogging thing. I just don't know. I am working on cards and I am doing a newsletter for our Womens group. I am taking it over from a lady who thinks it needs to be done the way she has done it. I guess I am a bit of a rebel but I want to try something different with it so guess we will see who wins out. I am going to do the first one her way just to keep her from being upset, but the next one who knows. Well bye for now.

  4. Isn't it wonderful to know that because of facebook and this blog we can get to know each other? We are cousins. We have the same ancestors. The same blood flows through our veins and our lives are forever linked, even if we never see each other face to face, we will always have a connection. Isn't that wonderful?
