Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Well I have been a bad girl but Im back. I guess starting a blog on the first day of my husbands vacation was not so smart. I'm proud of Erin though she has kept up with her blog even with all of the traveling. She will be a good journalist. Definitely has the ability to put it all out there. Great pictures too .
Went to Las Cruces New Mexico last week to visit with Erik's father. Interesting town. Probably one of the ugliest desert towns I have been in. Beige and square . Not the beige of most newer California yuppie towns . Its the beige of dirt and grime dotted with the commercial Americana retail we all know and love. And flat. You look closer however and you will see the most charming little pueblo buildings. You cant take this place as a whole. This town is best seen through its finer details. No New York skyline or green lush Texas landscape. Just dirt.
They do however have the best Mexican food in the entire world. They drown everything in green chile's. Not the slimy green chile's you get from the can but spicy green chile's fresh from the plant. Green chile's on steroids. They also have Sopopillas. Just a popover you drown in maple syrup . The perfect ending to a green pepper filled meal. I really don't understand why it works so well. Trust me I have had some of the most delicious deserts on cruise ships .None of them compare to this combo.
I think its more the tradition than the actual taste. Grampa always takes us as a family group. At the end of the meal you feel a certain excitement. Not quite the Santa coming on Christmas morning excitement but more like the Turkey on Thanksgiving excitement. All their eyes light up when the waiter brings the beige square pockets of nothing. They all then discuss the tradition of the Sopopilla. It makes me wonder if they do this when there are no special out of town guests. They must. I have been dining with these people for my 19 years of marriage and this scenario is always played out.
Well gotta go. My morning time is burning away and I must pack records for Russian audiophiles.

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