Wednesday, January 13, 2010

JAN 13

Well here I am again. This is my favorite time of day. As I am aging and due to the fact my husband has odd work hours I wake up regularly at 5 am. I grab myself a coffee cup and roost in my workspace. Here I update myself with a barrage of computer news while my channel 5 friends drone on in the background . My crazy orange ex-feral cat in my lap. Every now and then she reaches a paw up and scratches my chin. She started this with my bearded husband. She grooms his beard like a mother cat would groom her child. Ive had this cat for 13 years . I believe she was born in my closet.
For an animal she has been through many changes. That may even be the bond we share. I have been through my share of changes. Who hasn't when they are biting on 50. When she was born we kept 2 kittens .Their mother was a killing machine. For years we were the only house on the street with no gophers. Quite a feat for a semi-rural area. It was decided she was to have one litter before being fixed. Genes like that definitely needed to be passed on. Besides we had 1/2 an acre and a small girl who loved kitties.
It wasn't hard to get rid of her siblings. Word had passed of the fantastic gene pool and soon we were left with 2 babies. One short haired like her mother and the other a fluffy little orange ball. We kept females. Anyone who has had cats realizes that the females are vicious hunters and killers. Males just spray all over everything and bring live lizards into your house to play with. Hmmmm that could be a whole other topic....
Its funny she is the only of the three I still have . She was always the lesser cat. Not loving and cuddly like her sister who died at the tender age of 3 . Smashed by big black tires on Wood Road. (rip Lady bug) . Not the perfect gened cat of her mother Lady who left me for a neighbor who's dogs were not so annoying. No she was kind of aloof and just there.
Seven years ago she lived in the garage. She would disappear for days sometimes months and you could not get near her. Once Erin was walking through the garage and she flew out of nowhere and sliced her foot. Erin still has the scar on her foot. I swore she was eating bad mushrooms. Had that crazy feral cat look. She had one friend however my sisters white horse Studley.
When my sister left for Texas she could not take her horses. Studley was a white arab that had his own set of problems. It was not unusual to see them nuzzle each other. That was when I had my blind cleaning business in my garage. We cut down the back door for ventilation. Studley would stare through the top of the garage while the cat sat on the ledge next to him. They were my employees. My company . Now I have my channel 5 friends and the cat.
About 5 years ago our Ebay business grew out of the house. Lets just sat Mom was tired of living in a thrift store. We Traded my daughters go cart that she had grown out of for an office in the garage. To be honest I'm not quite sure what happened but I believe she thought we had made her a house. She welcomed me into her world. Her garage.
Now she is the quintessential (thank god for spellcheck) cat. Rarely leaves the room. Sometimes on a warm summer night she will go out hunting for "old times" sake and last week she went out to defend her territory from Kitty-Kitty, a story brewing in its own right. But now she is completely happy to love on us all and enjoy her unlimited food , water and love.
I don't know if you have noticed but I keep calling her "the Cat" . That's because I don't remember her name. No one remembers her name. She was forgettable. Sometimes we call her "Flusby Jr" because we feel guilty about not remembering her name . But it still does not change the fact she has no name. But whats in a name anyways?

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